
Views from the people of Rugged on the topics we care about
Feel Good Fitness – Making the Link Between Exercise and Mental Wellness
Thursday, June 27, 2019

We’ve all heard the phrase ‘healthy body equals healthy mind’, but how many of us really consider the benefits of exercise for our mental health?

According to a recent survey, 31% of people exercise to improve their mental health.…

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Why We Champion Active Ageing
Tuesday, April 9, 2019

How Rugged Interactive can help keep everyone active, whatever their age

At Rugged Interactive, we believe that every person, irrespective of age and ability should have the opportunity to be active, and enjoy it.

Which is why we champion…

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Half-term – a recipe for success
Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Half-term; the week that feels like a month for adults and a day for kids kicks off today. But here at Rugged, we think we’ve got just the recipe to ensure the kids are up, out and enjoying themselves……

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Boutique Fitness – The New Way to Work Out
Thursday, April 19, 2018

What do you think of when you hear ‘boutique fitness’?

Elite? Exclusive? Expensive? Energising? Extravagant? …in many ways the answer is ‘yes’ to all of these, but mostly it seems that it is ‘evolving’, and fast.

Some of Team…

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The Big Challenge: Being Happy, Healthy and Running a Business
Friday, February 9, 2018

One of the things about setting up a company is ultimately, no-one cares as much as you...and the buck stops at your front door.

That’s a recipe for 24hr stress as being at home doesn’t insulate you from the…

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