
Views from the people of Rugged on the topics we care about
Treading Lightly As We Go...
Tuesday, June 16, 2020

During the time we’ve been locked down we’ve all seen the dramatic rise in the use of single use plastics for gloves, masks and visors - and while this was obviously unavoidable here at Rugged we thought it would be…

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Giving Parks a Personality with Brilliant Branding
Monday, February 4, 2019


It’s more than just how you look.

Done well – it’s the heart and soul of the business...

Done badly it affects how your visitors, staff and outside world feel and even behave towards you.

We work with…

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WallRider - Origin Story
Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Wall-walking (or bouncing on your back and climbing up the wall) is a very exciting and visually dramatic form of trampoline exercise - It’s also quite hard to learn and completely exhausting!

I’d always been a fan, or at least…

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Half-term – a recipe for success
Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Half-term; the week that feels like a month for adults and a day for kids kicks off today. But here at Rugged, we think we’ve got just the recipe to ensure the kids are up, out and enjoying themselves……

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