
Views from the people of Rugged on the topics we care about
Festive Fun for all the Family at The Brightwell
Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Christmas came early for our CardioWall Landscape at The Brightwell this month, as it got put to good use at their Christmas Market Fundraiser.  

The Brightwell is a charity wellness centre in Bristol supporting people with MS and other neurological…

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Exporting as a Small Company - It’s as Easy as D, I, T
Friday, March 11, 2022

Here at Rugged we’ve always been keen to export, and from year 2 we were already sending our products far and wide out across the world. However, with any growing company, there are always areas of business that fall outside…

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Indoor Climbing is Changing, and I Can’t Wait!
Wednesday, September 22, 2021

You may have seen that Rugged exhibited for the first time at the Association of British Climbing (ABC) annual conference recently; showing how we’re gamifying climbing walls with our interactive products. The aim: to increase accessibility, competitiveness and enjoyment for…

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Finding the Feel-Good Amongst the 2020 Storm
Thursday, December 17, 2020

How do you describe 2020? Unprecedented? Challenging? The year the world went pear shaped? (Alternatively, you may just not want to answer that!)

Despite the difficult times, there’s been a surprising amount of good and uplifting moments that have emerged…

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FUNctional Fitness For The Festive Season (place tongue in cheek and read on…)
Wednesday, December 16, 2020

With Christmas just around the corner, most of us are already knee-deep in empty Quality Street tubs and have loosened the belt to ensure that extra mince pie doesn’t feel too snug.

But Christmas isn’t a time to dwell on…

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A Message from the Market [CoronaPod Ep 2]
Wednesday, May 27, 2020

During lockdown, we’ve been picking the brains of park builders, operators and suppliers from the FEC industry. For some, the way we are working had changed dramatically, and for others, it has been a chance to re-focus, evolve and adapt.…

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How Are You Using Your Time Differently? [CoronaPod Ep 1]
Thursday, May 21, 2020

During Covid-lockdown, we’ve had the fantastic opportunity to catch up with park builders, operators and suppliers from around the industry. For some, the way we are working had changed dramatically, and for others, it has been a chance to…

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Half-term – a recipe for success
Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Half-term; the week that feels like a month for adults and a day for kids kicks off today. But here at Rugged, we think we’ve got just the recipe to ensure the kids are up, out and enjoying themselves……

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The 5 Key Elements of Great Trampoline Park Design
Thursday, October 18, 2018

If you are designing a new trampoline park or indoor adventure centre, or looking to add some new fizz to an existing one, how should you go about choosing which features or attractions to include?

Going through your mind…

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