
Views from the people of Rugged on the topics we care about
Greenwashing... and why we're not!
Friday, October 7, 2022
I went to an event last week organised by our tree planting partners in Cornwall, Plant One. During a fascinating event I learnt some things that I felt were worth sharing, and spent some time with like-minded, ecologically minded…
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Getting Out There – Rugged’s 2021 Round Up
Wednesday, December 22, 2021

If we had to describe 2021 in two words, we’d call it a ‘roller coaster’. From COP26 to Tokyo 2020 (which was actually held in 2021), this year had it all. It’s been far from plain sailing for most of…

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Indoor Climbing is Changing, and I Can’t Wait!
Wednesday, September 22, 2021

You may have seen that Rugged exhibited for the first time at the Association of British Climbing (ABC) annual conference recently; showing how we’re gamifying climbing walls with our interactive products. The aim: to increase accessibility, competitiveness and enjoyment for…

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How I Turned Being Banned from the US into my Most Successful Year Yet
Monday, June 14, 2021

How to be a successful US Sales Manager in 2021 without being able to set foot in America could almost be a board game, where the aim is to overcome certain obstacles and restrictions before the last flight leaves. The…

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Motivation – is it the Fuel Your Workout Needs?
Monday, March 18, 2019

Are you struggling to find the motivation to drag yourself out of bed before work to go to the gym? Or, don’t want to sacrifice an extra hour of Netflix for an hour of sweating on a spin bike?

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Boutique Fitness – The New Way to Work Out
Thursday, April 19, 2018

What do you think of when you hear ‘boutique fitness’?

Elite? Exclusive? Expensive? Energising? Extravagant? …in many ways the answer is ‘yes’ to all of these, but mostly it seems that it is ‘evolving’, and fast.

Some of Team…

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CardioWall Shortlisted for UK Active Innovation Award
Sunday, May 18, 2014

We were delighted and super proud to be named in July as one of just 7 finalists in UK Active’s highly competitive ‘Spark of Innovation’ category at their annual Flame Awards.

This is the first year we’ve entered and it…

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What Is Gamercising and Why Does It Matter?
Friday, January 17, 2014

Despite being one of the ugliest words to have been invented, gamercise is everywhere right now. But is it just a buzzword? What does it really mean and why does it matter?

Gamercise is a bit like gamification. The goal…

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