
Views from the people of Rugged on the topics we care about
Unsure What Gamification Really Is? You’re Probably Already Using It!
Thursday, February 8, 2024

"If you look for it, I've got a sneaky feeling you'll find that Gamification actually is all around." – Love Actually

Gamification may have been coined way back in 2002 by Nick Pelling, a game designer tasked with developing a…

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Why Gamification is the Key to Repeat Visits and Increased Revenue
Monday, August 1, 2022

Gamification is pivotal in addressing the perpetual question - how to drive repeat business and keep visitors coming back for more. Our products are designed to be addictive to play, easy to operate and most importantly, create memorable experiences for…

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What Lockdown Has Taught Us...
Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Lockdown. More than a moment to pause and think. A stop in our tracks and suspension of normal life. 

Both personally, and as a business, there’s been time to reflect, time to set new goals, and time to reassess strategy…

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Caring for Your Mental Health During Lockdown
Monday, March 30, 2020

Around a third of the world’s population are currently on lockdown due to the coronavirus pandemic. From Italy to India, Britain to Barcelona and Beijing, many millions of us are trying to adapt to this new way of life.


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A Rather Rugged Decade
Monday, January 13, 2020

10 years, 120 months, or 3652 days, however you see it, a lot has happened in the last decade.

Uber, Tinder and WhatsApp were introduced into our lives. Netflix shifted from a movie subscription that arrived in the post,…

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Why We’ll be a Sporting Nation this Bank Holiday
Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Put down the BBQ tongs, everyone’s getting active this Bank Holiday weekend!

We’re nearing the end of August, the heatwave that once seemed like it was never going to end has been overtaken by thunderstorms and torrential rain, the pub…

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Motivation – is it the Fuel Your Workout Needs?
Monday, March 18, 2019

Are you struggling to find the motivation to drag yourself out of bed before work to go to the gym? Or, don’t want to sacrifice an extra hour of Netflix for an hour of sweating on a spin bike?

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Innovation (or The Art of Asking Questions)
Tuesday, February 19, 2019

One question I get asked a lot if I’m out with people who don’t know what I do for a living is, ‘how did you think of that?’

I’m not usually introspective (I’m pretty shallow), but the more I…

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Rounding Up 2018, With a Little Help From You…
Friday, December 21, 2018

In the year that South Korea hosted the Winter Olympics, the Royal Wedding brought bakes and bunting to the streets of Britain and England finally won a penalty shootout, we’d love you to help complete some of our highlights…

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