
Views from the people of Rugged on the topics we care about
Festive Fun for all the Family at The Brightwell
Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Christmas came early for our CardioWall Landscape at The Brightwell this month, as it got put to good use at their Christmas Market Fundraiser.  

The Brightwell is a charity wellness centre in Bristol supporting people with MS and other neurological…

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Care Homes: The Post-Pandemic Fight for Staff Wellbeing
Tuesday, March 15, 2022

I wasn’t surprised to read that in a recent survey of Care Home owners, only 3%1 reported that since the start of the pandemic their ‘mental health has not been impacted’.

The remaining 97%1 stated that the pandemic has had…

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Only 8% of People Keep Theirs, So Here's Our Top Tips
Wednesday, January 5, 2022

New year, new me! It's 2022, you've set your resolutions for the year, but you're already struggling to commit... don't worry, it's a familiar story.

Whether it's exercising more, limiting your screen time or spending more time with loved ones…

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Getting Out There – Rugged’s 2021 Round Up
Wednesday, December 22, 2021

If we had to describe 2021 in two words, we’d call it a ‘roller coaster’. From COP26 to Tokyo 2020 (which was actually held in 2021), this year had it all. It’s been far from plain sailing for most of…

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Exercise and Mental Health: Small Steps, Big Differences
Thursday, April 8, 2021

All movement matters. Whether it’s walking up the stairs rather than cruising up in a lift, a lunchtime jog rather than a lunchtime slog, or morning yoga rather than yet-another-lie-in. Getting up, getting out and active is beneficial not just…

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FUNctional Fitness For The Festive Season (place tongue in cheek and read on…)
Wednesday, December 16, 2020

With Christmas just around the corner, most of us are already knee-deep in empty Quality Street tubs and have loosened the belt to ensure that extra mince pie doesn’t feel too snug.

But Christmas isn’t a time to dwell on…

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We’ve got a new website. And yes, it follows the three second rule
Wednesday, December 2, 2020

OK, so we have a new website – why should you care?

Good question. Companies refresh, remodel, remake theirs the whole time, correct. But for us, this wasn’t just because we felt we should, we absolutely needed to.

Why? Three…

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Treading Lightly As We Go...
Tuesday, June 16, 2020

During the time we’ve been locked down we’ve all seen the dramatic rise in the use of single use plastics for gloves, masks and visors - and while this was obviously unavoidable here at Rugged we thought it would be…

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What Lockdown Has Taught Us...
Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Lockdown. More than a moment to pause and think. A stop in our tracks and suspension of normal life. 

Both personally, and as a business, there’s been time to reflect, time to set new goals, and time to reassess strategy…

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