
Views from the people of Rugged on the topics we care about
Destination Leisure: The Rise of Retailtainment
Wednesday, February 2, 2022

The retail industry is constantly evolving – from thriving high streets, made up of independent retailers to out of town mega-malls, full of chain stores – it is always striving to anticipate the next trend to meet consumer needs.


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Indoor Climbing is Changing, and I Can’t Wait!
Wednesday, September 22, 2021

You may have seen that Rugged exhibited for the first time at the Association of British Climbing (ABC) annual conference recently; showing how we’re gamifying climbing walls with our interactive products. The aim: to increase accessibility, competitiveness and enjoyment for…

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Behind the Scenes - Rise of the Pro-X
Tuesday, February 23, 2021

By Simon Heap, Creative Director

I designed the Pro-X Elite as the ultimate solution to a problem that I’d begun to address in the original CardioWall®.

As a way of motivating reluctant exercisers, the CardioWall had proven its worth, but…

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Shining a Spotlight on Children’s Mental Health Week
Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Children’s Mental Health Week runs from 1st – 7th February, and this year, more than ever, we want to shine a spotlight on it.

In the UK, one in every six 5-16 year olds suffers with mental health issues, and…

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What is Freedom Gaming?
Monday, January 18, 2021

We’ve recently designed, developed and launched a new product, Freedom Gaming, which is the most technically challenging thing we’ve ever done - all during lockdown and the misplaced freedom we had during the summer weeks...

Once we’d conquered the inevitable…

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Will Covid-19 Change the Way we Workout Forever?
Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Our streets are silent, parks and playgrounds lie empty, and gym doors remain firmly shut. So how are we all staying active?

There’s a general feeling that there will be life before Covid-19, and life after. But what does this…

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A Rather Rugged Decade
Monday, January 13, 2020

10 years, 120 months, or 3652 days, however you see it, a lot has happened in the last decade.

Uber, Tinder and WhatsApp were introduced into our lives. Netflix shifted from a movie subscription that arrived in the post,…

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Surrey Para Games 2019 – Inspiring Activity for All
Thursday, July 11, 2019

Inspiring children to be active is one of the most powerful things we can do.

Physical activity strengthens bones and muscles, develops fine and gross motor skills, builds confidence and improves the overall physical and mental wellbeing of a child.…

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Feel Good Fitness – Making the Link Between Exercise and Mental Wellness
Thursday, June 27, 2019

We’ve all heard the phrase ‘healthy body equals healthy mind’, but how many of us really consider the benefits of exercise for our mental health?

According to a recent survey, 31% of people exercise to improve their mental health.…

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