
Views from the people of Rugged on the topics we care about
Only 8% of People Keep Theirs, So Here's Our Top Tips
Wednesday, January 5, 2022

New year, new me! It's 2022, you've set your resolutions for the year, but you're already struggling to commit... don't worry, it's a familiar story.

Whether it's exercising more, limiting your screen time or spending more time with loved ones…

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Physical Activity in Schools: Are We Teaching Our Children Properly?
Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Regardless of age, being active is fundamental for our physical and mental health and wellbeing. Whether it’s structured exercise or just habits incorporated into our daily lifestyle, such as taking the stairs instead of escalators or walking instead of driving;…

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Motivation – is it the Fuel Your Workout Needs?
Monday, March 18, 2019

Are you struggling to find the motivation to drag yourself out of bed before work to go to the gym? Or, don’t want to sacrifice an extra hour of Netflix for an hour of sweating on a spin bike?

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The 5 Key Elements of Great Trampoline Park Design
Thursday, October 18, 2018

If you are designing a new trampoline park or indoor adventure centre, or looking to add some new fizz to an existing one, how should you go about choosing which features or attractions to include?

Going through your mind…

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Dragons' Den: Behind the Scenes...
Sunday, February 26, 2017

The first surprise was being contacted by BBC researcher Ben, who turned out to be both a great advocate and (in his own words) the biggest possible ‘pain in the neck.’ He rang us from out of the blue…

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Dragons' Den: Pre-match Report
Monday, February 20, 2017

It’s less than a week to go before Rugged Interactive (and I) get the sort of exposure on prime time TV that only big money can buy.

Of course, ultimately there’s always a cost and as the dance teacher in…

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What Is Gamercising and Why Does It Matter?
Friday, January 17, 2014

Despite being one of the ugliest words to have been invented, gamercise is everywhere right now. But is it just a buzzword? What does it really mean and why does it matter?

Gamercise is a bit like gamification. The goal…

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