
Views from the people of Rugged on the topics we care about
Check In and Get Up & Out this Mental Health Awareness Week
Wednesday, May 11, 2022

One in four adults and one in three children report feeling lonely some or all of the time1. Loneliness, particularly when prolonged, can lead to illness, mental health problems and substance abuse2.

This year, Mental Health Awareness Week (9th –…

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Care Homes: The Post-Pandemic Fight for Staff Wellbeing
Tuesday, March 15, 2022

I wasn’t surprised to read that in a recent survey of Care Home owners, only 3%1 reported that since the start of the pandemic their ‘mental health has not been impacted’.

The remaining 97%1 stated that the pandemic has had…

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Exporting as a Small Company - It’s as Easy as D, I, T
Friday, March 11, 2022

Here at Rugged we’ve always been keen to export, and from year 2 we were already sending our products far and wide out across the world. However, with any growing company, there are always areas of business that fall outside…

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How Leisure Centres Can Help Reconnect Communities
Friday, January 21, 2022

The coronavirus pandemic has left tens of thousands of people in desperate need of better connection and support. Now two years on from drastic changes to our everyday lifestyle, wellbeing and security, there are organisations and community centres searching for…

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Only 8% of People Keep Theirs, So Here's Our Top Tips
Wednesday, January 5, 2022

New year, new me! It's 2022, you've set your resolutions for the year, but you're already struggling to commit... don't worry, it's a familiar story.

Whether it's exercising more, limiting your screen time or spending more time with loved ones…

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Will Covid-19 Change the Way we Workout Forever?
Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Our streets are silent, parks and playgrounds lie empty, and gym doors remain firmly shut. So how are we all staying active?

There’s a general feeling that there will be life before Covid-19, and life after. But what does this…

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Motivation – is it the Fuel Your Workout Needs?
Monday, March 18, 2019

Are you struggling to find the motivation to drag yourself out of bed before work to go to the gym? Or, don’t want to sacrifice an extra hour of Netflix for an hour of sweating on a spin bike?

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The 5 Key Elements of Great Trampoline Park Design
Thursday, October 18, 2018

If you are designing a new trampoline park or indoor adventure centre, or looking to add some new fizz to an existing one, how should you go about choosing which features or attractions to include?

Going through your mind…

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Boutique Fitness – The New Way to Work Out
Thursday, April 19, 2018

What do you think of when you hear ‘boutique fitness’?

Elite? Exclusive? Expensive? Energising? Extravagant? …in many ways the answer is ‘yes’ to all of these, but mostly it seems that it is ‘evolving’, and fast.

Some of Team…

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