
Views from the people of Rugged on the topics we care about
Festive Fun for all the Family at The Brightwell
Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Christmas came early for our CardioWall Landscape at The Brightwell this month, as it got put to good use at their Christmas Market Fundraiser.  

The Brightwell is a charity wellness centre in Bristol supporting people with MS and other neurological…

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Care Homes: The Post-Pandemic Fight for Staff Wellbeing
Tuesday, March 15, 2022

I wasn’t surprised to read that in a recent survey of Care Home owners, only 3%1 reported that since the start of the pandemic their ‘mental health has not been impacted’.

The remaining 97%1 stated that the pandemic has had…

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Exporting as a Small Company - It’s as Easy as D, I, T
Friday, March 11, 2022

Here at Rugged we’ve always been keen to export, and from year 2 we were already sending our products far and wide out across the world. However, with any growing company, there are always areas of business that fall outside…

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Physical Activity in Schools: Are We Teaching Our Children Properly?
Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Regardless of age, being active is fundamental for our physical and mental health and wellbeing. Whether it’s structured exercise or just habits incorporated into our daily lifestyle, such as taking the stairs instead of escalators or walking instead of driving;…

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Exercise and Mental Health: Small Steps, Big Differences
Thursday, April 8, 2021

All movement matters. Whether it’s walking up the stairs rather than cruising up in a lift, a lunchtime jog rather than a lunchtime slog, or morning yoga rather than yet-another-lie-in. Getting up, getting out and active is beneficial not just…

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Finding the Feel-Good Amongst the 2020 Storm
Thursday, December 17, 2020

How do you describe 2020? Unprecedented? Challenging? The year the world went pear shaped? (Alternatively, you may just not want to answer that!)

Despite the difficult times, there’s been a surprising amount of good and uplifting moments that have emerged…

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We’ve got a new website. And yes, it follows the three second rule
Wednesday, December 2, 2020

OK, so we have a new website – why should you care?

Good question. Companies refresh, remodel, remake theirs the whole time, correct. But for us, this wasn’t just because we felt we should, we absolutely needed to.

Why? Three…

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Will Covid-19 Change the Way we Workout Forever?
Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Our streets are silent, parks and playgrounds lie empty, and gym doors remain firmly shut. So how are we all staying active?

There’s a general feeling that there will be life before Covid-19, and life after. But what does this…

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Caring for Your Mental Health During Lockdown
Monday, March 30, 2020

Around a third of the world’s population are currently on lockdown due to the coronavirus pandemic. From Italy to India, Britain to Barcelona and Beijing, many millions of us are trying to adapt to this new way of life.


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